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Hot black coffee.
Hot Americano
Hot black coffee.

Espresso shot with steamed fresh milk, caramel syrup, and garnished with caramel sauce.
Hot Caramel Jcoccino
Espresso shot with steamed fresh milk, caramel syrup, and garnished with caramel sauce.

Espresso shot with steamed fresh milk, hazelnut syrup, and garnished with caramel sauce.
Hot Hazelnut Latte
Espresso shot with steamed fresh milk, hazelnut syrup, and garnished with caramel sauce.

Espresso shot with steamed fresh milk & milk foam.
Hot Jcoccino
Espresso shot with steamed fresh milk & milk foam.

Espresso shot mixed with steamed fresh milk.
Hot Latte
Espresso shot mixed with steamed fresh milk.

Espresso shot blended with ice nuggets, fresh milk, chocolate, topped with mocha cream, and garnished with chocolate powder.
Hot Mocha Espresso
Espresso shot blended with ice nuggets, fresh milk, chocolate, topped with mocha cream, and garnished with chocolate powder.

Iced black coffee.
Iced Americano
Iced black coffee.

Espresso shot with steamed fresh milk, caramel syrup, and garnished with caramel sauce.
Iced Caramel Jcoccino
Espresso shot with steamed fresh milk, caramel syrup, and garnished with caramel sauce.

Espresso shot with steamed fresh milk & milk foam.
Iced Jcoccino
Espresso shot with steamed fresh milk & milk foam.

Espresso shot mixed with steamed fresh milk.
Iced Latte
Espresso shot mixed with steamed fresh milk.

Espresso shot blended with ice nuggets, fresh milk, chocolate, topped with mocha cream, and garnished with chocolate powder.
Iced Mocha Espresso
Espresso shot blended with ice nuggets, fresh milk, chocolate, topped with mocha cream, and garnished with chocolate powder.